What is the Best One Piece of Advice When Buying a Home?

Education! Education! Education! – it is by far the best piece of advice when buying your first house.  The home buying process can be stressful and full of anxiety if you don’t know the steps.Welcome home mat

Buyers get swept up in the excitement of purchasing their first home without understanding each stage along the way.  Did you forget to attend the home inspection?  Did your agent ask you to waive your financing or appraisal contingency? Did you forget to do a neighborhood visit at different hours? What is earnest money?  Get the details and facts before you get started!

I bet you did a ton of research before you purchased your auto.  Why wouldn’t you do the same for your largest purchase and asset?

Before you embark on the mission of purchasing a home, join us for a free home buyer education class.  Click here to register – you will not be disappointed!
