Homeownership in Seattle Is Super Expensive, But the City Is Far Better Off Than the Worst-Case Examples

Narrowing the gap between income and home prices matters in making good on the dream of homeownership for more families, study shows

Seattle is without doubt one of the more expensive cities in the nation in which to own a …

Young, Smart and On-the-Go: Top 10 Metros for Millennials Who Want to Relocate

The handwringing over the latest exploits, likes and dislikes of millennials has become somewhat of a national sport. Some of the observations are the result of generational rivalry rather than insights into wide-ranging trends. Still, it’s essential to recognize that—given …

Divorce and Real Estate!

According to LawFirms.com, January is referred to as “the divorce month,” with filings spiking during the post-holiday season.  While this may not be the most positive way for me to start out with tips this year that you should …

Homeowners Gained $457 Billion in Home Equity in 2019

Homeowner equity continued to increase in the third quarter of 2019, according to the analysis from CoreLogic, a property information, analytics and data-enabled solutions provider.

Homeowners with a mortgage – about 64% of all homeowners – saw their equity increase …

Renters paid $4.5 trillion in rent in the last 10 years

In 2019 alone, $512 billion in rent was paid to landlords

Landlords have had a very lucrative decade.

During the 2010s, U.S. renters paid about $4.5 trillion in rent, according to Zillow. That’s more than the 2018 GDP of the …

Twelve, Six and Three Month Plan for First-Time Home Buyers

Couple deciding to buy a homeFirst-time home buyers want to know what they should be doing to successfully secure a property.  Whether you’re buying alone or with somebody else, in the city or in the country, for yourself or as an investment, it helps to …

Great Reasons to Buy a Home During the Holidays

Holiday home buyingMoving during the holidays can be unpleasant with all the seasonal activities and obligations. However, there are plenty of positives to buying a home during the holidays that may make the headaches of moving worth the effort.

  1. Less Competition –

Have You Budgeted for Closing Costs?

Saving for a down payment is a key step in the homebuying process, and it’s not the only piece you need to include in your budget. Another factor that’s important to plan for are the closing costs required to obtain …

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Home Warranty

A home warranty is important
Real estate professionals know how to help their clients find their dream home, but they don’t always know how to make a home buyer to find the best home warranty.

When shopping for a home warranty, here are the important …

Blog: Millennials Take Steps to Buy Their First Homes

Millennials are struggling to come up with a down payment and closing costs to buy a home. Many have great jobs and steady incomes but still are having a difficult time saving enough money.

Millennials are selling practically anything not …