Two Reasons Why People are Buying a Home in the Middle of a Pandemic!

Someone just sent me a joke and I think it is worthy of sharing since this year is one for the record books (in a bad way).  If 2020 was a math problem, it would go like this…….If a canoe …

8 Ways to Save Money to Buy a Home When You Can’t Really Afford Too

Knowing you need to save money is one thing, but making it happen requires some extra effort. After all, your paycheck won’t automatically move itself into your savings account. Only you can take the required steps to set

aside some …

What is a Side Sewer Inspection?

Very few home buyers consider sewer inspections before buying a home. They know they should get a home inspection, but side sewer inspectionthe sewer line is almost an afterthought. Yet this is one of the most important inspections a buyer of an …

How Has COVID-19 Impacted Mortgage Underwriting?

Over the last few months, COVID-19 has taken the world by storm, causing individuals and businesses to change their day-to-day processes to ensure everyone remains safe and healthy. While this is not business as usual, it’s still business—simply with different …

6 Things You Should Know About Buying a Fixer-Upper

6 Things You Should Know About Buying a Fixer-Upper

In a competitive market looking for and finding a house that needs TLC may help you nab your ideal location, but be sure of the cost of renovations and the neighborhood …

The Five Reasons Your Credit Score Can Drop!

Many of us are working to build our credit scores, but what is often overlooked are the actions you take that ding your score, even if you were doing something you thought was positive.Credit You got this

The good news is that many …

5 Tips For Buying A New Home After Divorce

Divorce and real estate

A divorce can be traumatic, stressful, and complicated event.  Once the dust settles and the divorce in final, an ex-spouse, or both spouses, must search and establish a new home.  A new home signifies a new fresh start and security …

Nearly every industry has been impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic and real estate is no exception

Key Questions For Buying Or Selling A Home During The Pandemic

Nearly every industry has been impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic and real estate is no exception. Because the cornerstone of buying or selling a home is face-to-face interaction, …

Corona / Covid Virus Update 03 26 2020

In response to the guidelines set by the Governor Inslee, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, advice from the World Health Organization, and to protect the health and safety of the the home buyer education community during the COVID-19

What is the Difference Between Pre-Qualification and Pre-Approval When Buying a Home?

Buying a home as an investment in your future

The terms “pre-approval” and “pre-qualification” for a mortgage are different, although some lenders use the terms interchangeably. Both can help you get started with your home buying, but are useful at different points in the process.   Pre-qualification is solely based …