
Understanding the Mortgage Process

Mortgage Courses

Mortgage Course with Educate Home Buyers
A free online course with Educate Home Buyers will help remove the confusion from the lending process for first time home buyers.

Buying your first home is an exciting prospect, especially if you’ve been renting for years. While you’re daydreaming about paint colors, herb gardens and a world without landlords, however, keep in mind that with all the excitement comes a lot of preparation — and paperwork. Taking a mortgage course with Educate Home Buyers can ease your frustrations.

There are many steps you’ll have to take if you’re purchasing a home for the first time. Moreover, from pre-qualifying for a mortgage to closing, the process can some time. It requires careful planning, but the result is a property you can finally call home sweet home.

In our mortgage course you will understand the mortgage lender is involved at the very beginning. Why? Because you cannot buy a home without a mortgage loan pre-approval. Buying a home for the first time can seem intimidating, but it does not have to feel that way. Our guide will help you be a smarter first-time home buyer. First Time Home Buyer Packet!

How Much Can You Afford?

Buying a house may be your biggest asset and I would guess that an older generation will tell you the expense was a worthwhile investment. In our mortgage course we will advise you to think before you embark on the home buying journey. It’s important that you perform an honest evaluation of your assets and income. Otherwise, you won’t be able to make a realistic determination about what you can afford. The evaluation is needed regardless of if you are purchasing the home outright or financing the purchase with a mortgage, which is the most common way to purchase a home. And, there’s a lot to consider before applying for a home loan.

We recommend scheduling a 15-30 minute meeting with one of our educators: Curt Tiedeman to see how much you qualify for without obligation and no credit is pulled. Just straight answers! Schedule a phone call or Zoom meeting.

Which Mortgage Is Right for You?

At our mortgage course you will understand that you have several options for financing your home purchase with a home loan. A conventional mortgage conforms to government standards determined by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Federal Housing Administration loans (FHA) are also government-managed and come with additional qualification requirements. Many FHA loans also have lower down payment requirements, depending upon the borrower’s financial situation. The VA Loans program is a special program to help active military and veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces purchase a home. VA loans can require no down payment at all in certain cases.

To determine which kind of loan makes the most sense for your budget, it’s best to start with a mortgage course or class. Click here to register!

We work with agents to teach our workshops. They are highly respected professionals and the class is a great way to meet, talk with and get to know a real estate agent.